
Games: Roma (Rome) 1960
Sport: Sailing
Nation: Selecting now
ARG Argentina (9)
AUS Australia (11)
AUT Austria (8)
BAH Bahamas (11)
BEL Belgium (3)
BER Bermuda (9)
BRA Brazil (5)
CAN Canada (11)
CUB Cuba (2)
DEN Denmark (9)
ESP Spain (11)
FIN Finland (9)
FRA France (11)
GBR Great Britain (11)
GER Germany (11)
GRE Greece (8)
HUN Hungary (5)
INA Indonesia (5)
IRL Ireland (6)
ITA Italy (11)
JPN Japan (6)
KEN Kenya (3)
LIB Lebanon (3)
MAR Morocco (1)
MEX Mexico (2)
MLT Malta (3)
MON Monaco (3)
MYA Burma (now Myanmar) (3)
NED Netherlands (6)
NOR Norway (9)
NZL New Zealand (3)
PHI Philippines (3)
POR Portugal (11)
RSA South Africa (3)
SIN Singapore (3)
SUI Switzerland (11)
SWE Sweden (11)
THA Thailand (2)
TUR Turkey (1)
URS Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (11)
URU Uruguay (3)
USA United States of America (11)
VEN Venezuela (2)
WIF West Indies Federation (2)
YUG Yugoslavia (3)
ZIM Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) (2)